What will happen to the ‘chaff’?

Chapter 39

Image: Juuso Hämäläinen @juusohd “there will be a major escort to the hinterlands” ‘Wind Song’
Listen/download Chapter 39

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 5:00am

1. Excluding the insane – those who kill and maim in the name of control and power – there are organized factions on both sides of the veil, whose purposes for being are not my purposes. They are deluded, but quite sane as far as human standards are concerned. They know the truth and don’t want it to get out. They don’t want others to know the truth of their being, that they are part of me, and are not truly and exclusively human.

2. Because humans are so susceptible to influence, rounding up those involved in the daily continuation of the great cover-up, will have a great effect. They will be marked, not for extinction and elimination, but for de-programming. I’ve already spoken of individual souls who have not been able to lead their characters to the promised land, and how they will not be allowed to return to any premier canvas until they do so. The groups and leaders of groups that I speak of today will have the same fate.

3. Whether they are incarnate or disincarnate, there will be a major escort to the hinterlands for intensive treatment. All so that not only can they heal of their inflated egos, but the rest of creation can heal from their negativity in equal measure.

End Time: 5:19am