Did God create fear?

Chapter 25

Image: mbll, pixabay.com “God has a shadow”
Listen/download Chapter 25

Thursday, July 8, 2021  7:00pm

1. God has been described as love, unconditional love, good and wonderful energy, but what is God made of exactly? It is love. It is intelligence. It is awareness. It is creative. It is inquisitive. But God is also a bit mischievous. In order to strengthen itself, it has to create ways to do this. Free will is one way to do this, but God had to create an umbrella that all free will choices would fall under. So yes, God had to create fear. Who else would create it? If there is only God, then God had to create everything, including its opposite, its shadow. God is love and God has a shadow. The shadow strengthens that which casts the shadow, mainly through suffering. More on this later.

2. Your parent is a super soul. Super souls have all manifested on the earth plane. Yes, they all had a head start. The marriage of the Divine with form was first completed by a super soul The incarnations of Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed, were all from the same super soul. Each incarnation informed the Godhead of what was possible. Each child of a super soul would then be expected to follow in its footsteps, although there would be a giant caveat. The bar would be raised. If a super soul could accomplish this, it meant that if a microdroplet seed could accomplish it, the potential payoff would be even greater. The harvest could produce significant material for new hearts for prototype Godheads. So this became the new standard, although few have accomplished it at this point. There are so many obstacles.

End Time: 7:20pm