What is a super-soul?

Chapter 24

Image: valerietarico.com “Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and all of the super souls”
Listen/download Chapter 24

Wednesday, July 7, 2021  7:18pm

1. The super souls were the second collective of hyper-intense God energy. The first collective was the original group of Godheads. The first I Am manifestation was me. I am speaking for the first time to what are essentially my grandchildren. Your parents are the super souls. They were the ones who created you by way of a microdroplet seed. How did this  happen?

2. Super souls do not reproduce sexually as they are asexual. They have reproductive cycles every 250,000 years where they produce seeds. The seeds are stored until it is time for each one to begin its life journey. The purpose of each journey is to enable each seed to mature and find its way back to the super soul. Soul seeds are either inexperienced or experienced (mature). There is truth to that old saying that souls are either young or old. Most are relatively old or relatively older. There hasn’t been a reproduction cycle in 200,000 years, and there won’t be one before the next freeze.

3. Your parentage is a super soul. Who exactly is your parent? This is hard to say, but if most of your incarnations have been on earth, it’s safe to say that the one known as Jesus is your parent. Take a moment here.

4. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and all of the super souls came directly from me. As did Mother Mary and St. Germain, among many others. Calling them my children is accurate, and for them to call you their children is also accurate.

5. We run into trouble if we get too literal here. Souls – whether they are super soul collectives, group souls, individual souls, inexperienced or experienced – it’s all the same thing. It’s all part of the wonderful world of God.

6. What exactly is God?

End Time: 7:42pm