Will souls causing havoc be held accountable?

Chapter 36

Image: Tama66, pixabay.com “many gates will close to them”
Listen/download Chapter 36

Monday, October 4, 2021 7:05pm

1. I Am compartmentalizing myself. Aspects of me who are closer to the standard may remain on their preferred playground, whether that is earth or one of the countless other pseudo realities.

2. However the same cannot be said of all souls. For the very first time, a strict standard will be enforced. Souls who have come to one of our premier environments time and time again, and who have not been able to sufficiently influence their characters, who are hell bent on causing havoc and damage to those we hold dear, will and must be held accountable. We cannot allow the horrors the worlds have endured to continue. Some souls keep getting harder and more unruly characters in their assignments, and yet they give up too easily. They fall asleep at the wheel. We love the souls I speak of. They are aspects of me after all. However, due to my own re-alignment, many gates will close to them. The few that remain open are to harsh and unpleasant places. The stakes will be higher, and these souls will be welcomed back to the premier canvases when they have reached a satisfactory standard of mastery.

End Time: 7:22pm