What have I (I AM) created since my birth?

Chapter 33

Image: Belle Co, pexels.com “community and companionship”
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Thursday, July 15, 2021 1:45pm

1. As I’ve said before, I have never spoken directly like this before, but I do communicate. I Am the elder statesman for I Am. I created all of the other creators, all of the Godheads, all of the super souls, the Malichi, and the archangels, as well as all microdroplets, whether in group or individual forms.

2. When the Bible talks about how Adam was lonely, this was how I felt. I Am energy felt lonely and knew that it had the capacity to create community and companionship. So I went forth and multiplied, and have been doing so since the beginning, since my birth, which was a very long time ago, as you have surmised.

3. I created siblings, one at a time, over eons. I created super souls, who developed heart and produced a harvest, so that new hearts could be given to the new Godhead prototypes. Then they started to create new Godheads and new super souls, and there were new heart harvests. And this went on until stages were developed – universes and worlds which would serve as a backdrop – a stage for the manufacturing of stronger souls, which would produce a new kind of harvest.

4. Don’t take this the wrong way. Creation isn’t just about production. Far from it. Having a big family is nice, but it is each individual member that I love. It’s not their fault that they don’t know about me, and that they haven’t heard this story before. I love everything about my children and my grandchildren. I love them even when they are lost in the fog and don’t have a clue why they are here, or who they are in truth. I love them even when they make painful choices, even when they cause me pain. I’m the one who gave them that ability in the first place.

End Time: 2:06pm