What was shadow (fear) intended for?

Chapter 30

Image: Matryx, pixabay.com “the shadow took on a life of its own”

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 7:05pm

Listen/download Chapter 30

1. I created the shadow as a tool, but the shadow took on a life of its own. The more of it that exist in a petri dish, the greater the possibility that it will multiply and infect what seeks to be strengthened, not consumed.

2. Our most beautiful landscape, earth, is an example of a handful of environments that have an unhealthy amount of fear and negativity of all kinds. There are many other examples of environments, where we were much more successful in growing more God energy. This is because the negative to positive balance wasn’t too high, and we weren’t asking too terribly much from our incarnated souls. Virtually everyone was successful in the marriage between their souls and their bodies in these environments. But when we began to push the envelope with ratios, few became successful, and our harvest was minimal.

3. I hear the next question, which is “What is your relationship with souls who have taken on the human project, and are blind to anything that they cannot perceive with their senses?”

4. Many of them pray to us for help. They may not have any money for food or to pay the rent. They may have catastrophic health issues. They may have been beaten by their boyfriend. All of this is going on inside of me because there is nothing outside of God. How can I allow this when I have hinted that there is a problem with the entire project, and the programming?

5. The short answer is that everything is allowed. The long answer is that we are intervening. Everyone’s prayers are heard and responded to, at the level that can be accepted.

6. But, who is everyone?

End Time: 7:24pm