How does a soul grow?

Chapter 19

Image: Shutterbug75, “every hair is meticulously crafted from every hair follicle”
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Monday, June 28, 2021  8:05am

1. Every hair is meticulously crafted from every hair follicle. Our time at the drawing board is time outside of time, which is much slower than your time. But we have to take your time into consideration, because that’s where the creation will manifest. That’s where the creation will eventually self sustain.

2. There have been many creation cycles that were strictly drawing board types of creation cycles, with no actual manifestation yet. Manifestation always starts, with a fully functioning prototype that is ready to be infused with a microdroplet of God energy, so it can then be self-sustaining and help the microdroplet of spirit to grow.

3. By using the word ‘grow’ I mean two things. At one level, a microdroplet of God, a group or individual soul, grows through experience and becomes strengthened by the experience. Animating form is like weightlifting. The spirit grows muscle mass every time it has one of these experiences, whether it is that of a plant, animal, or humanoid type of form.

4. There is a second way that spirit grows. It produces an aura that extends beyond the spirit. This aura is what is collected and redistributed to create new Godheads at the beginning of the creation cycle. The spirits can shed them because they then create new ones with each new endeavor they take on.

5. Don’t worry. To go back to the New York City shopper again, he or she will not be involved in this process yet. His spirit will keep his aura until he’s ready to shed it, and create a new one. The aura that will eventually be shed, will be stored until the ending of the next dormant period and the beginning of the next creation cycle, which of course starts with the explosive creation of new Godheads.

End Time: 8:27am